
  1. JavaScript

    JavaScript has become a very popular coding/programming language, JavaScript (often called as JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, object-oriented language with first-class functions, and is best known as the scripting language for Web pages/web-development, but it's used in many non-browser environments as well. Every other programming language whick I know has a complex structure and syntax which one has to follow otherwise it will throw errors and debugging them takes a lot of time and mind/energy, on the other hand JavaScript is very simple and structural language to use with less syntax- lets discuss the benefits or advantages of using JavaScript -
    Speed :-Since JavaScript is an ‘interpreted’ language, it reduces the time required by other programming languages like Java, Python, C++, C for compilation. JavaScript is also a client-side script, speeding up the execution of the program as it saves the time required to connect to the server.
    Simplicity :-JavaScript is easy to understand and learn. The structure is simple for the users as well as the developers. It is also very feasible to implement, saving developers a lot of money for developing dynamic content for the web. we do not have to generally specify the return type / data type for functions we just have to follow simple syntax
    - Function functionName(){
    Popularity :-Since all modern browsers support JavaScript, it is seen almost everywhere. All the famous companies use JavaScript as a tool Like Google, Amazon, PayPal, etc. Good Interfaces JavaScript provides various interfaces to developers for creating catchy webpages.
    Versatility :- JavaScript is now capable of (FullStack) that is front-end as well as back-end development. Back-end development uses NodeJS while many libraries help in front-end development like AngularJS, ReactJS, etc.
    DOM ManuplationYou can easily manuplate the DOM using javaScript-Selectors

    1. document.querySelector()/by tags,id,class
    2. document.querySelectorAll()
    3. document.getElementById()
    4. document.getElementByClass()

    We can also manuplate HTML by document.createElement(), document.innerText = "Manthan ",document.textContent= ""
    JavaScript improves the performance of websites and web applications by reducing the code length. The codes contain less overhead with the use of various built-in functions for loops, DOM access, etc.
    Like every other programming languages, JavaScript also has its own merits and de-merits
    Some of the Disadvantages are:-

    1. Client-side Security Since the JavaScript code is viewable to the user, others may use it for malicious purposes. Also, it is very easy to place some code into the site that compromises the security of data over the website.
    2. Browser Support The browser interprets JavaScript differently in different browsers. Thus, the code must be run on various platforms before publishing. The older browsers don’t support some new functions and we need to check them as well.
    3. Lack of Debugging Facility

    Manthan Gour